FAQs - Service Lines

What is the extent of my responsibility of the water and sewer service laterals?

For sewer laterals, the property owner is responsible for all underground piping (including under roadways) from the sewer main to the home or business. The township is responsible for the sewer mains.

 For water laterals, the property owner is responsible for all underground piping (including under roadways) from the corporation valve to the home or business. The township is responsible for the water main and corporation valve.

Does the township offer insurance for repair or replacement of my water and sewer laterals?

No. Many homeowner policies offer this coverage as an option. Contact your insurance company for additional information. You can also purchase this coverage independently. American Water Resources is one company which offers this coverage independently.

Why do I need to insure my underground water and sewer lines? Doesn’t my homeowner’s policy cover that?

Homeowners policies do not cover underground utilities. Some insurance companies offer this coverage as an option. Contact your insurance company for additional information.

Underground utility repairs are very expensive. Insurance is cheap (< $15.00 per month). Underground utility repairs can range from several thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars! Insurance is highly recommended!

No. The property owner owns the curb stop and is responsible for maintaining it. Maple Shade Utilities will use the curb stop to open or shut water service to the property as a courtesy but the property owner assumes all risk.

My curb stop is leaking. Is that the responsibility of the township?

Yes, to a degree. Maple Shade Utilities will attempt to clean out the curb box with the equipment that we have available free of charge. If the utility cannot access the curb stop after attempting to clean out the curb box, if there is root intrusion in the curb box, or if the curb box is shifted; it is the responsibility of the property owner to correct the condition and ensure access to the curb stop.

My curb box is filled with dirt. Will the township clean it out free of charge?

The answer is sometimes. The property owner is responsible for any clogs or damage in the sewer lateral from the building to the sewer main. The township is responsible for the sewer main. If you have a sewage backup, call Maple Shade Utilities and a technician will come out and make the determination. If the problem is in your lateral, utility personnel will not attempt to correct the problem. You will need to contact a plumber. If the problem is in the sewer main, Maple Shade Utilities will address the issue.

There is a sewage backup in my home and/or my sewer cleanout is overflowing, is that the responsibility of the township?

The answer is sometimes. The property owner is responsible for the water line from the property to the corporation valve at the main. The township is responsible for the water main and the corporation valve. If you observe water coming out of the ground, call Maple Shade Utilities and a technician will come out and make the determination. If the leak is in your lateral, utility personnel will shut off the water to the residence and will not attempt to correct the problem. You will need to contact a plumber. If the problem is in the water main, Maple Shade Utilities will address the issue.

There is water coming out of the ground in the street (or on my property). Is that the responsibility of the township?