Is Maple Shade Utilities available 24/7/365 for water and sewer emergencies?

Yes. Even though the utilities are only staffed 8 hours per day, the main number is answered 24/7/365 and an on-call technician will respond to all emergencies. If you have an emergency or observe a water main break or sewer overflow, please notify Maple Shade Utilities at (856) 488-7450 immediately.

I have a leak in my indoor plumbing. Who do I call?

For leaks anywhere in your interior plumbing, except at the meter, please contact a qualified plumber. If the meter is leaking, please contact Maple Shade Utilities. If the leak is severe, close the valve at your meter. If you need your water turned off at the curb, contact Maple Shade Utilities.

What are the Maple Shade Utilities normal business hours for non-emergencies?

Business hours are 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.


Please contact the Maple Shade Tax Office at 856-779-9610 ext 156.

Who do I contact for a billing question?

Please contact the Tax Office. Most final meter reads can be done remotely. If the read cannot be done remotely, the Tax Office will notify Maple Shade Utilities. Maple Shade Utilities will contact you to set up an appointment. SOMEONE MUST BE PRESENT AT THE METER LOCATION FOR A MANUAL READ AT THE SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT TIME.

Who do I contact for a final meter read?

Yes. If you have a new radio read meter consumption data is recorded hourly. This data can help identify high consumption periods, help you to understand where you need to conserve and can often help to uncover leaks, which can be costly. Please contact the Tax Office to discuss your consumption. You can also contact Maple Shade Utilities if you provide the serial number of your meter (Maple Shade Utilities cannot look up data by name or address).

Can the new meters help me to understand the reason for a high bill?

Sewer bills are based upon water usage.

What is my sewer bill based upon?

Yes. Since care and maintenance of your plumbing and fixtures is your responsibility, you are responsible for all usage recorded by your meter.

I found a leak. Do I have to pay for the water?

Yes. If you contact the tax office in advance, you can arrange for a credit on the sewer portion of the bill for the water added to a pool.

I plan on filling a pool. Does the township provide any credits?

No, unless you have a separately plumed irrigation system with its own dedicated meter.

I have a lawn irrigation system. Can I get a credit on the sewer bill for the water used on my lawn?

The new meters are extremely accurate and have been tested by the manufacturer. There is no need for periodic testing. However, if you wish to have your meter tested, you may do so at your own expense. If you want to have your meter tested, only Maple Shade Utilities can remove and reinstall the meter. Please contact Maple Shade Utilities for more information.

My bill is high and I want my meter tested. Will Maple Shade Utilities test my meter?


For sewer laterals, the property owner is responsible for all underground piping (including under roadways) from the sewer main to the home or business. The township is responsible for the sewer mains.

 For water laterals, the property owner is responsible for all underground piping (including under roadways) from the corporation valve to the home or business. The township is responsible for the water main and corporation valve.

What is the extent of my responsibility of the water and sewer service laterals?

No. Many homeowner policies offer this coverage as an option. Contact your insurance company for additional information. You can also purchase this coverage independently. American Water Resources is one company which offers this coverage independently.

Does the township offer insurance for repair or replacement of my water and sewer laterals?

Homeowners policies do not cover underground utilities. Some insurance companies offer this coverage as an option. Contact your insurance company for additional information.

Underground utility repairs are very expensive. Insurance is cheap (< $15.00 per month). Underground utility repairs can range from several thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars! Insurance is highly recommended!

Why do I need to insure my underground water and sewer lines? Doesn’t my homeowner’s policy cover that?

No. The property owner owns the curb stop and is responsible for maintaining it. Maple Shade Utilities will use the curb stop to open or shut water service to the property as a courtesy but the property owner assumes all risk.

My curb stop is leaking. Is that the responsibility of the township?

Yes, to a degree. Maple Shade Utilities will attempt to clean out the curb box with the equipment that we have available free of charge. If the utility cannot access the curb stop after attempting to clean out the curb box, if there is root intrusion in the curb box, or if the curb box is shifted; it is the responsibility of the property owner to correct the condition and ensure access to the curb stop.

My curb box is filled with dirt. Will the township clean it out free of charge?

The answer is sometimes. The property owner is responsible for any clogs or damage in the sewer lateral from the building to the sewer main. The township is responsible for the sewer main. If you have a sewage backup, call Maple Shade Utilities and a technician will come out and make the determination. If the problem is in your lateral, utility personnel will not attempt to correct the problem. You will need to contact a plumber. If the problem is in the sewer main, Maple Shade Utilities will address the issue.

There is a sewage backup in my home and/or my sewer cleanout is overflowing, is that the responsibility of the township?

The answer is sometimes. The property owner is responsible for the water line from the property to the corporation valve at the main. The township is responsible for the water main and the corporation valve. If you observe water coming out of the ground, call Maple Shade Utilities and a technician will come out and make the determination. If the leak is in your lateral, utility personnel will shut off the water to the residence and will not attempt to correct the problem. You will need to contact a plumber. If the problem is in the water main, Maple Shade Utilities will address the issue.

There is water coming out of the ground in the street (or on my property). Is that the responsibility of the township?


All water meters are the property of the Township of Maple Shade. Any service required on the meter must be done by Maple Shade Utilities. Do not attempt to repair or tamper with the meter in any way. Contact Maple Shade Utilities if you require service to your meter.

Who owns my water meter?

Radio read meters are manufactured by Sensus, are light gray and black with a green band in between, have a plastic body and were installed in 2016 – 2017. Any other style meter is not a radio read.

How do I determine if I have a radio read meter?

You can contact Maple Shade Utilities and arrange to have your old meter replaced. Meter replacement with radio read meters is no longer free. You will be billed for the cost of the meter plus an installation fee.

If you do not have your residential meter replaced with a radio read, you will be charged a fee for a manual read each quarter.

I don’t have a radio read meter. What are my options?

If you have a radio read meter, the meter will be replaced free of charge. If you do not have a radio read meter, Maple Shade Utilities will replace your meter with a new radio read meter and you will be charged for the cost of the meter plus an installation fee. There is no option to have a non-radio read meter installed.

My meter is leaking or not working. Will the township replace it free of charge?

If you have a radio read meter, the meter will be replaced free of charge one time only. After that, if the replacement meter freezes, you will be charged for cost of the meter plus an installation fee. If you do not have a radio read meter, Maple Shade Utilities will replace your meter with a new radio read meter and you will be charged for the cost of the meter plus an installation fee. There is no option to have a non-radio read meter installed.

My meter is installed in an unheated area and froze. Will the township replace it free of charge?

Maple Shade Utilities recommends that any meter installed in an unheated area be protected with an insulating jacket. Insulating jackets were not installed with the meter replacement project. If your meter is in an unheated area, Maple Shade Utilities will install an insulating jacket free of charge. Please contact Maple Shade Utilities to schedule an appointment. NOTE: Insulating jackets reduce the possibility of freezing but will not prevent freezing in all weather conditions.

My meter is installed in an unheated area and I would like an insulating jacket. How do I get one?

No. Property owners and tenants are required to take reasonable care of their water meters. Any damage to a meter resulting from negligence or the freezing of a meter installed in a normally heated area is the responsibility of the property owner. You will be billed for the cost of the meter plus an installation fee.

My meter is damaged or installed in an area that is normally heated and froze. Will the township replace it free of charge?

Yes. Radio read meters will be replaced free of charge if there is a manufacturers defect or if they should fail.

My radio read meter has failed or is not functioning properly due to a manufacturers defect. Will the township replace it free of charge?

For up to date meter prices and fees visit the Maple Shade Township web site. Prices and fees are listed in Chapter 200 Water under the Municipal Code tab.

How much does a meter cost and what is the installation fee?

For up to date manual read fees visit theMaple Shade Township web site. The fees are listed in Chapter 200 Water under the Municipal Code tab.

What is the quarterly fee for a manual read if I do not have a radio read meter?

Hydrant Flushing

Water main flushing is a routine operation done to clean and maintain our water system. During this activity, water is forced through the underground water mains at high speed and flushed out of fire hydrants to remove accumulated sediment. The flushing is done until the water coming through the main runs clear. The town has approximately 280 fire hydrants and flushing is done one section at a time until each section runs clear. This operation can take a few minutes to several hours. Part of the program also involves testing valves and fire hydrants to ensure they are operating properly. 

Why do we flush hydrants?

The flushing is required by the NJDEP and is generally completed in the fall and spring.  Flushing has generally been scheduled between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. to minimize impacts to water service.   Schedules can change if something occurs in the distribution system that requires immediate attention or repairs.

When do we flush hydrants?

Maple Shade Utilities utilizes a groundwater source water supply that is treated and filtered to remove iron. Like any water supply, over time a fine layer of sediment can deposit along the walls of the water distribution mains. This harmless natural sediment consists of inorganic material from the distribution piping, and on occasion, it can get stirred up and cause discolored water. Sediment/materials can be stirred up when the pressure or direction of flow of water changes in the water mains, causing the water to appear cloudy or discolored. Common causes include hydrant use, hydrant replacement, hydrant flushing, valve turning, routine maintenance, firefighting, main breaks, service line breaks or nearby construction.  Piping materials consisting of cast iron also have an increased propensity for scaling which increase the frequency of occurrence.

Why do we experience cloudy or colored water?

No. There are no health hazards associated with sediment in the water. The sediment is always in our system but is only visible when a change in flow is enough to disturb the sediment. Customers may choose to drink bottled water while they wait for the discoloration to clear. All customers are encouraged to refrain washing clothes if you observe discolored water. If your laundry inadvertently gets stained from discolored water, do not put them in the dryer. Contact Maple Shade Utilities for a free packet of Red-B-Gone. Red-B-Gone is usually successful in removing these types of stains.

Is the water contaminated?

In most cases, the water will clear on its own within two hours or less. If the water does not clear in a few hours or if there is a significant loss of pressure, call Maple Shad Utilities at 856-488-7450 to report the issue.

What should customers do if they experience cloudy water?


No. Roads, storm sewers and catch basins are maintained by the Public Works Department. They can be reached at 856-779-9610.

Does Maple Shade Utilities maintain the roads, storm sewers and catch basins?

Yes. Maple Shade Utilities personnel will not enter a premise unless a representative of the owner is present. This holds true for unoccupied properties as well.

I have a service appointment. Does someone need to be present?

Absolutely not! Toilet leaks can be both silent and invisible. A small leak of just 1 gallon per hour will waste in excess of 4,000 gallons in a billing period! Free toilet leak detection kits are available to all residents at the Tax Office and at the Maple Shade Utilities Administration Building.

My toilet is not running, can I assume it’s not leaking?

There are many factors which can cause brown water. The most common causes are an unusually high flow somewhere in the system from an open fire hydrant and during the hydrant flushing program. The discoloration is the result of iron in the water. If you experience brown water, open the cold water only on one or more faucets and allow the water to run for 15 minutes. If the water is not clear after 15 minutes, please contact Maple Shade Utilities. DO NOT do laundry or open a hot water faucet if you observe brown water until the condition clears.

Why is my water brown?

No, Maple Shade Utilities does not add fluoride to the water. 

Does Maple Shade fluoridate the water?

A Maple Shade Utilities employee will rarely show up at your door without a pre-arranged appointment. All Maple Shade Utilities employees carry Maple Shade Township Employee photo ID’s. If you are unsure who the visitor is, ask to see their ID.

There is someone at my door claiming he is form Maple Shade Utilities. How do I know he is legitimate?